All That Matters Is How We See Ourselves!

How To Be An Effective Communicator In The Workplace

how to be an effective communicator in the workplace

 How To Be An Effective Communicator In The Workplace   Communication, they say, is the lifeblood of any organization. Imagine a day at work where instructions fall on deaf ears, messages are misunderstood, emails remain unanswered, and meetings become chaotic due to a lack of clarity. Or worse yet, think about a workplace where silence … Read more

Fading Connections: What kills Long-Distance Relationships?

what kills long-distance relationships?

What kills Long-Distance Relationships? You’re in love, and everything seems perfect, except for one tiny detail – the hundreds or thousands of miles separating you from your partner. Long distance relationship guzzles. I’ve never heard anyone say, “My partner lives miles apart at a distance, and it is going great!”. Conversely, everyone I’ve observed in … Read more